Our Values

Our Values

Your child is at the centre of everything we do here at Beaconsfield Childcare.

We listen to them. We talk to them. We let them make decisions under our guidance. We want to know what they think and what they like and dislike. Even before your child can speak we can learn from their reactions.

Our vision is to empower your child, and this is key to your child’s well-being and development.

Your child’s moral education and happiness are paramount to us:

  • Equality – your child will be welcomed into a nursery that promotes equal opportunities for all
  • Kindness – your child will be taught to be caring and helpful by example
  • Cooperation – your child will be cared for by the whole team
  • Respect – your child will watch staff being respectful and follow their lead
  • Happiness – your child’s well-being is important to us

We want everyone to feel welcome at Beaconsfield Childcare and our relationship with you is very important. We recognise that you are the child’s primary carer and we want you to be part of everything we do here.

We value your opinions and we work closely with you to ensure all the individual needs of your child are met.

We have an open door policy for you –  pop in at any time!


Beaconsfield Childcare deliver quality Early-Years care in partnership with:

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What parents say:

‘We have been at the nursery since it was opened, both our children have gone there. Both from the age of six months through to starting school. We have been very impressed with the nursery from day one and both the children have gained so much from being there. It will feel strange not going there when our daughter starts school next year.'
J Burfoot

Nursery Funding