One of the key factors of the success of our nurseries in Beaconsfield is definitely happy and enthusiastic staff. We have a great team that we’re very proud of at Beaconsfield Childcare and it is important to us that we support their career progression. One of the ways that we do this is by ensuring our team have the opportunity to attend a variety of courses that enhance and develop their care of our children.
Some of the courses our staff attend are fundamental to working in Early Years, including Paediatric First Aid and Safeguarding. These courses are important to ensure the safety of the children in our settings, as owner Sarah explains, “Making sure all the staff feel confident on what to do if they have any concerns regarding any children is essential for all practitioners.”
Recent in-house training has included the “Smile Award” which is an initiative to promote healthy food choices and positive oral health messages and practices. “We believe healthy eating, encouraging good oral hygiene and an awareness of food and the impact it has on health is crucial for staff to understand and then to deliver to the children in an age appropriate manner,” explains Sarah.
All of our team at both nursery settings in Beaconsfield are encouraged to think about courses they’d like to attend for their professional development. Sam, the Early Years Manager at Brindley House explains: “Staff training is vital for many reasons. It ensures that our entire team are up to date with legislation and all aspects of safety. Additional training courses based around learning and the curriculum ensure that we are providing exciting and worthwhile experiences for all of the children: extending their learning; inspiring their imaginative side and creating an environment where they feel safe and happy. Keeping our training varied means that staff are constantly thinking of new ideas.”
With the support of our parents, we close the nurseries for one staff training day each year, which gives everyone the opportunity to train together and share ideas. Spending time together engaging in activities such as team games and imaginative play really helps to keep our nurseries stimulating and happy places to be.
If you work within the childcare sector and are looking for a new challenge, why not talk to us and see what other opportunities we offer our staff.