At Northgate House on 25th May we all came to nursery in our favourite fancy dress costumes. There were pirates, minions, super-heroes and princesses as well as a police officer and a fire fighter! Thank you for all the kind donations from our lovely parents and staff.
Batman & A Storm Trooper
Rapunzel, Batman & Spiderman Captain America & Spiderman
Princess Elsa, A Lion and Superman <img class="alignnone wp-image-666" src="×224.jpg" alt="CR2" width="244" height="182" srcset="×224.jpg 300w, Learn More×574.jpg 768w,×765.jpg 1024w” sizes=”(max-width: 244px) 100vw, 244px” />
2 Pirates, Tinkerbell, a Fairy Princess and a Scary Skeleton
And Finally Batgirl & an Oriental Princess
At the last count at the end of the day yesterday we had raised £119.00 Well Done everyone!!!